Reinstatement Cost Assessment
Buildings are an asset and like any asset should be adequately protected. A property reinstatement cost assessment estimates the cost of reinstating the property to its original condition in the event of total destruction.
The value of the property and the reinstatement cost assessment of the property are in no way linked.
As part of our reinstatement cost assessment service, we carry out a site visit, measure the floor areas of the buildings from existing floors plans and calculate the cost of the reinstatement. These costs are project specific and are based on our experience and in-house cost information data base. We also benchmark against comparable properties.
Our experience of preparing building reinstatement cost assessments is extensive and includes commercial, industrial, and residential property reinstatements.
It is important that reinstatement valuations are checked periodically to ensure that you are not over or under insured.
keeping your costs to a minimum without impacting on quality